
Tuesday, July 2, 2019


After a rough night past Chute lake (I had bad stomach problems,  hot and flushed but shivering), we cruised past Hydraulic lake and down into beaverdell.  Looking at trackleaders, we saw that Monica and Trish were just up the road at the pizza place so I rode up to say hi, but they were gone. Checking again, I saw that their track was from an hour ago, so we missed them. Off we rode down to Taurus canyon for a quick dip in the river. I hiked back up to the bikes and was packing stuff up when Trish rode up - they had made a wrong turn (due to some bad directions from drunk locals) and lost an hour.
We rode with them to Rock Creek,  where we stopped for food while they continued on to Midway.  After eating and a bit of rest,  Ciel figured she could make it to Midway too, so we showed up in time for a shower and to watch the Canada day fireworks. Now we get breakfast before heading up through Greenwood. 
