
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What's going on in my digital world at -25C outside

Two interesting things happening in the United States and Canada at this time.

The first is that in Canada people are using the internet to fight a completely outlandish proposal to put a glass walkway up in the Sunwapta Valley in Jasper National Park. The background of the proposal is here. And just to be fair, here is an editorial from the president of Brewster Canada who wants to build the project.

This is an article about the on-line petition to try to convince the Harper Government to stop the project. It's from the Edmonton Newspaper. Click here

The second is next week the US Senate is going to be voting on an internet bill that would cause problems for social networking, websites such as this blog, and arts and culture i.e. free expression.

For the entire lowdown check this link out.

I've censored the following, in protest of a bill that gives any corporation and the US government the power to censor the internet--a bill that could pass THIS WEEK. To see the uncensored text, and to stop internet censorship, visit:

I'm not ████ ████ we are █████ to be █████ ████ ████ ████, but I ████ I ████ to ███████ ██████ to the ██████ ████ I've met all ████ all ████ the █████. To █████ ███████████ I ████ not met, we are ███████ ███████ to ████. It may be ████ █████ in ███████ ██████, but █████ are ██████ all ████ the █████ who ████ it far █████, █████████ ████ are far ████ █████████ and ██████████ ████ ██████ are ██████ in ████ no one ██████ ████ to. I ████ to ████████ to ████ for ██████ and █████████████ ███████. The ████████ for █████ is "Why did the ██████ ██████ █████ so ████ █████ ████████ a war ████ █████ not be won in the ████, ███████████ and ██████ ██████ ████ ████ we █████ be █████████ ██████████, █████████, ███████, ████ to US ████████ in ████████ to ███████ the ██████ ███████ ██████ ████ █████████ ██████ ███████? ██████'t it ████ ████ ████ ██████████ to ██████ out how to ████ a ███████ to ████ ████ ██████████ on █████? ████ ████████ █████ is BIG ███████ - ████ █████████ ████████ ███████ ████ ████ ██████ and ██████████. We ████ to ████ the ███████████ as a ██████ of ████ ████████ ████. I ████ I'm ██████ for █████ in ████ and I ████ you ████ too if you are ██████████ to ████ in the ██████ ██████.

Uncensor ThisLets keep the National Parks from being overdeveloped and keep the internet uncensored.

Vote Obama 2012 He's not a miracle worker people. Give him a second term.

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